Recommended Autoptimize settings

The Autoptimize plugin is a great way to optimize and minimize your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS if you’re not using WP Rocket. Learn how to configure the plugin for your site here.
The Autoptimize plugin is a great way to optimize and minimize your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS if you’re not using WP Rocket. Learn how to configure the plugin for your site here.
We strongly believe that a caching plugin is essential for sites of all sizes. Before you brush it aside as being too technical, check out the very simple options in this post.
Keeping your images optimized is one of the easiest ways to dramatically decrease page load times and improve your site speed score.
Plugins are an incredible way to supercharge your blog, but they can also make your site slow, clunky, and open to security risks. We’re sharing best practices for making sure they’re supporting your business and not hurting it!
Migrating WordPress sites can be complicated, frustrating, and error-prone. Thankfully, UpdraftPlus makes the process painless and simple.