On an average day, Morgan talks to anywhere from 30-50 Agathon clients, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. As the Client Support Lead for our hosting clients, he oversees client needs as well as conversations with prospective clients. Most importantly, he combines his extroversion, experience, and compassion to provide expert, high touch support.
He’s also the proud husband of Corinne, an incredible therapist and social worker. They have two daughters, Avery (5), who is possibly even more extroverted than Morgan himself, and Margot (2), who already has a totally sarcastic sense of humor.
Recently we asked Morgan to share a little bit more about himself. In no particular order, here are ten random facts about Morgan:
1. Tell us about your musical career. How did you get started singing and playing the guitar? Where can people hear your music today?
I come from a very musical family, so I’ve always loved music and wanted to perform it. (I started a band when I was 11 years old, which I still have recordings of. :-p) After I graduated college with a Computer Science and Theatre Degree, I thought I would go into Theatre, but I felt the pull to give music a real chance. I had started a band (Common Shiner), and we decided to make the move to Chicago together to give it a real shot. We toured around, released a few albums, and in 2015 ran out of steam and decided to hang it up. In 2017, I decided to start a solo project called Foster, which I still play as now. I’m also in a wedding band, so I’m a real life wedding singer too. 🙂
2. What are your top three favorite podcasts?
Oh man, this is tough, because I am crazy addicted to podcasts. Right now, I would say my top 3 are: Revisionist History, Reply All, and How Did This Get Made. But I’m probably subscribed to over 100, so I have a lot more that I love.
3. Have you ever had anything go viral? Say, a music video or two?
Haha, what a leading question. Why yes I have. 🙂
I made a music video for my band Common Shiner along with my friends over at Lowcarbcomedy that played with our love of horror movies, and as of this writing it’s up over 60.5 million views. Check it out.
Since that one did so well, Lowcarbcomedy and I decided to make a sequel to one of my Foster songs last year, and as of this writing it’s up over 11.8 million views!
4. How did you and your wife, Corinne, meet? When did you know she was the one?
We met through mutual friends in Chicago back in 2009. A close friend said, “You know, my best friend in the entire world is single right now,” and invited Corinne to a comedy show where I was the stage manager. Then she came to an open mic I used to host, where I was able to woo her with my playing. We were definitely quite smitten with each other very shortly after that.
5. What is your favorite part of being a dad?
I would say my favorite part is seeing the ways in which our girls are like me or Corinne—seeing the way they figure things out and seeing how familiar it is. When your kid has figured something out or is understanding something for the first time, it’s just a really beautiful moment.
As an example, seeing Avery’s performance acumen and the way she came alive on stage in Waitress. She was so comfortable being up there and so excited and filled with energy. And I recognize myself in that. So that was incredibly special.
6. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Does it have to be a specific dish? I would say in general probably Thai food. Maybe pasta, which would include Thai rice noodles, right?
7. Which Agathon team retreat destination has been your favorite? Why?
France, for sure. That whole trip just felt magical, and I loved the country so much more than I anticipated. I didn’t know what to expect there, and it was just so beautiful. Plus, the food was incredible and the people were super fun.
And then we tagged on a trip to Paris after that trip, and that took it to another level. You hear all this stuff about how magical Paris is, and then you get there, and it’s as magical as they say!
8. Because no Q&A is complete without this question … If you could invite 6 people, living or dead, to a dinner party, who would you choose?
Hmm, are these people I want to meet, or am I trying to make a good dinner party? I’m just going to go off the top of my head: Neil Degrasse Tyson, Eddie Izzard, Duke Ellington, Lizzo, C.S. Lewis, and Rosemary Clooney.
9. What one song or artist are you embarrassed to admit you like?
I’m a total sucker for a lot of newer corny electro-pop stuff. I don’t know why. So BTS, the K-pop group.
My other one would be Fall Out Boy. There are times that Fall Out Boy scratches an itch that nobody else does even though I have to roll my eyes at them often.
10. What is your favorite part about working for Agathon?
I think my favorite part is our compassion for the people we work with. That is something that I knew was part of the deal when I first signed on–coming up on 13 years here, and it’s only got stronger over time. We’re unwavering in our commitment to people and compassion. I’m sure we could have changed or lost sight of that as we’ve grown. But we never did because we didn’t want to become a different company than that.

With 10 years of experience as a professional blogger—and as a former Agathon hosting client herself—Mandi’s passionate about the good work Agathon does and sharing that message with more people.