Like most of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has been an ever-present topic of conversation and concern for us over the past 4-6 weeks. We had no idea last month when we were in Orlando together for our team retreat that things would begin rapidly shutting down soon after we returned.
These are uncertain times. Some of our own team members have family who have contracted the virus; others are working to protect the vulnerable members of their families. (Thankfully they’re all doing well so far!) And like you, we’ve also had to cancel plans and activities and learn to juggle working and helping our kids with online school assignments.
In short, the pandemic is disruptive for everyone, and we’re constantly mindful of that in our interactions with one another.
We’ve also had to spend some time evaluating our company’s health to prepare not just for long-term stay-at-home orders but also a recession. That exercise was reassuring. While there will be impacts to our business, we’re optimistic we can continue to serve clients through this crisis.
In the midst of the hard parts, we’ve also been reminded that the most important thing we have as a company is our team. Nurturing our team members has always been one of our core values. Now we’re learning to do that in new ways as we care for our team members and the struggles they’re facing while still delivering on projects.
Some of this has been easier for us than it has for others. For example, we’re already a fully-remote team. With that foundation, we’re able to focus our efforts on helping other organizations navigate these changes as well. And having been through two recessions before, we’re able to offer our wisdom and experience to help clients navigate the challenges and uncertainties it brings.
Our team is hard at work pulling together resources for different segments of our clients. We recently sent a special newsletter for WordPress bloggers. We’re also exploring ways to help guide ministries through this time.
While these are unprecedented times—and it’s hard to predict what may happen in the coming weeks—you can rest assured that we’re in this together. Agathon is committed to continuing to support each of our clients, whether that means ramping up work to prepare for new online initiatives or scaling back to meet more conservative budgets.
If we can help in any way, or you just need to process out loud, we’re available! Shoot us an email at help@agathongroup.com or give us a call at 888-543-9766.

With 10 years of experience as a professional blogger—and as a former Agathon hosting client herself—Mandi’s passionate about the good work Agathon does and sharing that message with more people.