At its most basic definition, a hosting company provides a way for its clients to make their websites available to others on the World Wide Web.
Here at Agathon, however, we believe a host should do much more.
For us, hosting isn’t just about providing the technology and infrastructure you need to get your website online; it’s about partnering with our clients to help their websites thrive in the face of technical challenges, security risks, and changing technology.
We take this role as a hosting partner for our clients seriously, as demonstrated by the “Agathon difference”:
We offer 24/7 support
We’re a relatively small team, which means there are times when our team isn’t logged into the support dashboard. But when you’re a blogger, 24-hour support is crucial to your business. We offer 24/7 phone support, every day of the year. When there’s an emergency, clients can call and reach our on-call support staff right away—whether it’s o’dark thirty, a weekend, or a holiday.
We provide expertise & depth of support
We don’t hire low-level customer support staff who simply provide canned answers and send you on your way with more difficult problems. Instead, our support team includes skilled technicians and developers with decades of IT experience. That means when a rogue plugin causes your site to error out or you’ve mistyped a command in your PHP file and brought down the whole blog, our team is not only willing to help troubleshoot but actually has the skill and expertise to solve your issues.
We know you by name
Of course, it was easier to know all of our clients well when we had just a handful of clients. But even as we’ve grown, our team still works hard to get to know each of our clients as an individual. We read their blogs, cook their recipes, and look for ways to build genuine relationships each time we interact.
We care about your site
Along those same lines, we truly care about your website and your business. We want to see you succeed! We’re not measuring our support team in how quickly they can close a ticket or get off the phone; instead we look for ways to go the extra mile—to both solve the immediate problem and set your site up for success in the future as well.
We want to solve your problem
Recently, Heather from RuthSoukup.com wrote in with a strange error—a single page on their site was timing out and spinning for visitors. Joel worked closely with Heather to try to fix the issue. After trying a few things, Heather decided to simply recreate the page from scratch, which solved the immediate problem.
But Joel wasn’t content to leave it there, knowing that without identifying the issue, there was still a chance it could pop back up in the future. Even after the immediate problem was resolved, he continued to dig. Finally, he discovered a plugin error on that single post. Although he wasn’t able to fix the plugin itself, Heather was able to connect with the plugin author and share Joel’s notes so that a permanent fix can be implemented.
And this isn’t a single incident. It’s something that happens several times a week as our team demonstrates their commitment to truly solving client problems rather than patching over them with a quick bandaid.
We look for ways to support your site at the least cost for you
Caring about your business also means we won’t recommend a higher plan or add-on unless it’s truly in the best interest of your site. Our pricing isn’t based on arbitrary page view limits, and you’re never locked into a plan. Instead, we’ll help you scale up and down as needed so you’re only paying for the resources you actually need.
There’s a big difference between a big box host and a hosting partner—with plenty of variations in between. Here at Agathon, we strive to be a partner you can count on both now and as your site grows!
Read more about the Agathon difference, or email us at support@agathongroup.com to learn more about how we can support your site as you grow!

With 10 years of experience as a professional blogger—and as a former Agathon hosting client herself—Mandi’s passionate about the good work Agathon does and sharing that message with more people.